Tuesday, February 17, 2009

First Impressions

It's cold. But I'm a FL girl so what do I know? But when my husband says it's cold then it's cold. Also, the wx channel reported that it was 27 degrees and 21 degrees with the wind. Other than that, so far so good. We are staying in a fairly small room at the hotel on base - all the rooms are the same size. Our 4 bags of luggage, the pack n' play, the BOB, and the borrowed high chair make the room rather cozy. After 1 day here, I've decided not to spend much time in the room. David and I would drive each other crazy. So now, the matter of the cold comes in to play. The weather shield for the BOB I purchase just before we left is a good thing since my son will not keep his little mittens on and it is pretty windy outside. Conversely, it's smoldering hot inside the buildings - about 80+ degrees.

Everything is very convenient on base and you can walk just about everywhere. The BX just across the street and the gym is about a 5 minute walk. My goal is to get to the commissary today to get a few needed supplies mainly for the kid. We also have apartment hunting plans this afternoon. The area outside the base is truely a little city. I'll have to post pictures of all these things soon.

The people here have been incredibly friendly and welcoming. I wish I had taken the time to learn a little Korean before arriving since almost everyone has spoken to me and I have play the ignorant American and say I don't speak Korean. Well, I do have some time now.

So, it's been a good start to our 52 weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Yea! So glad to hear that you all are there safe and sound. Mom and I are reading about all your adventures. Let us know when you can start Skyping! Love, Elaine
