Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Happy First Birthday, David!

To our sweet little boy,

Where did the year go? Just yesterday, we brought you home from the hospital and you’ve brought us such joy ever since. You make us laugh everyday – even when we are about to fall asleep at night, one of us is chuckling from something you’ve done. Of late, you’ve started to repeat sounds. Uh-oh is one of your favorites and you are starting to learn when to use it correctly. It’s especially funny in the early morning when you’ve just awakened and we hear a soft uh-oh repeated from your crib. You also started “mooing” when we talk about cows but you make the sound without moving your lips. You’ve learned that your paci and your puppy is only for sleeping and when we say “bye-bye paci, bye-bye puppy, “ you promptly get rid of them by throwing them down or just spitting out the paci. You then throw up your arms at us so we can pick you up.

You are such a precocious little guy, not much gets by you. You are really picking up your sign language. Eat, drink, apple, banana, more, etc. You are getting pretty good at it. And when we tell you “good job” you smile this wonderful, dimpled grin and shrug your shoulders. It’s so cute. You are also forever pointing at things and it sounds like you are saying “what’s that?” You love your books too. Brown bear, baby Boo!, your signing book, Dr. Seuss’ ABCs, The Hungry Little Caterpillar, Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb, Goodnight Moon, the Very Busy Spider, and That’s not my Dragon are all part of your daily fun. You pick out which ones you want us to read to you. You are going to make us work hard to keep up with you in the future.

And judging by the way you enjoy food, you are clearly our child. Mmmmm. You want to try anything we are eating but it’s hard since you only have 3 teeth. You LOVE yogurt. There is really no other way to describe it. Of course, you can point to and almost say yogurt but when I ask you where’s Mommy you just look at me. Why is that? You are also fond of mac and cheese, good fish, chicken, peas, corn, and oranges, apples, pears, and noodles. You are basically a good eater and I can tell you aren’t feeling well when you turn food down.

You are also VERY active which we hear comes from us as well. You crawl up the stairs almost faster than we can walk up them. You can also sit on the bed, roll over on your tummy and scoot your way down on your own. Again, you will make us work to keep up with you in the future.

So, Happy Birthday Davey Doo. The Lord has truly blessed us and may He watch over you as you in the coming year. We love you very much and we can’t wait to see how much you grow this year.

With all our love,
Mommy and Daddy

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